Imani Nia IfeWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 28th of April to the 4th of May 2024Based on constellational- Vedic astrology, which focuses on the actual positions and movements of the Moon, the Sun, and the planets.Apr 30Apr 30
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 7th to the 13th of April 2024Based on constellational- Vedic astrology, which focuses on the actual positions and movements of the Moon, the Sun, and the planets.Apr 8Apr 8
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentHERMES IN RETROGRADE AKA- MERCURY RETROGRADE APRIL 2024Mercury goes into retrograde in the 4th degree of Aries on the 1st of April 2004 at 11:15 PM; then Mercury moves in Pisces whilst still in…Apr 8Apr 8
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, weekly horoscopes 8th to the 14th of October 2023…Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.Oct 7, 2023Oct 7, 2023
Imani Nia IfeWeekly Vedic Constellational Astrology Horoscopes 13th to the 18th of August 2023- including Viod…Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets. My horoscopes are written intuitively and…Aug 9, 2023Aug 9, 2023
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 4th to 10th of June 2023, Including the super full…Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 28th of May to 3rd of June 2023Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.May 26, 20231May 26, 20231
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 21st to the 27th of May 2023Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 14th to the 20th of May 2023, Plus New Moon In Taurus…Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.May 12, 2023May 12, 2023
Imani Nia IfeinMetanoia –Holistic Personal developmentWeekly Horoscope, Applied Astrology Forecast, 6th to the 13th of May 2023Based on constellational astrology focuses on the movements of the Moon, the Sun and the planets.May 6, 2023May 6, 2023